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News - Sixth Form

Young Green Briton Challenge 2024-25

On Wednesday, the 6th of November, the whole of year seven took part in the Young Green Britain Challenge ‘Sprint workshop’. Thanks to Martin Foulkes from Ecovida Routes who came in to deliver it alongside Maddie Owens from GenEarth, facilitator Farah Khan and Sonja Bottomer from Prospects and team who have funded its delivery.

Year seven had already covered issues affecting climate change in Science lessons with regards to energy and transport alongside green cuisine and the huge issue of food waste in Geography lessons in the build-up to the Sprint Workshop, thus they were thoroughly prepared. They spent the first four hours discussing themes; creating their ideas and preparing a presentation for their peers to discuss how they could tackle climate change through an initiative or device.

All staff involved have been inspired by the ideas which were created to combat climate change. We had waste and recycling initiatives; carbon capture technology ideas and air pollution filtering devices which were carefully thought through and developed with realistic and achievable aims and objectives to take on climate action. When each individual group was given the chance to present their ideas at the end of the day, all of them delivered! The next step was to fill in a Microsoft office form, if they were interested in bidding for their idea to make the next round. These ideas have been voted on and six teams have now been sent through to the next round. They will continue developing their idea with us so that their idea becomes a reality. We will share their progress with you on our eco page on the website.

In the next round they will face a Dragons’ Den style panel challenge. Local businesses will host a series of pitches from each group and feedback will be given on the viability of their idea. Six groups will be narrowed down to only one or possibly two to go through to the regional competition of the Young Great Britain Challenge. Winners of this round will then go through to the national competitions later in the year, and we are hopeful that our pupils can rise to the challenge!

Thanks for all your support as I know pupils have been discussing this with you at home! We are confident that we have inspired and enthusiastic sustainable entrepreneurs in our midst!