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Extra-curricular Sport

Extra-Curricular sport and physical activity is a fantastic opportunity for all pupils to engage in a fully inclusive programme that caters for all ability levels. We offer a broad and balanced timetable that differs each half term to give our pupils new experiences in a variety of sports and activities. There are further opportunities for pupils to represent our school against other schools in the district, county, and the nation.

PE Extra-curricular Timetable 2024-25: Half Term 2






After School
Please note after school activities will finish at 4:20pm or 3:20pm on a Friday.

No Activities

Girls Netball
(Year 7)

Year 11 Intervention
Room TBC

Girls Netball 
(Years 9 - 11)

Sportshall Athletics 
(Years 7 - 8) 
Sports Hall

Girls Netball 
(Year 8)

(All Years) 
Sixth Form Lecture Theatre

You can download a PDF copy of the timetable here.

Football: All pupils in the year group are welcome to attend to develop their football skills. Once the season starts the after school training sessions stop for games. Upcoming fixtures for both boys and girls can be viewed in the Sports Hall. Boys’ and Girls’ see Mr Black for details.

Judo: Our own club exists to promote the Olympic sport of judo and all the associated benefits including self-defence, high levels of fitness, confidence, discipline & humility. See Mr Pountain for more details.

Netball: All pupils in the year group are welcome to attend to develop their netball skills. Team selections will be made but everyone is welcome! See Miss Layfield for details.

Sporthall Athletics: An opportunity to join our successful team with the chance to take part in the County Finals. See Mrs Gleave for details.

Year 11 intervention: To offer support to pupils to prepare them for their GCSE PE examination.