Problem-solving is a great skill to have!
If you enjoy mathematics, get a kick out of problem-solving, enjoy the sheer power of mathematics and the elegance of its methods, and want a qualification which is widely respected by universities and employers alike, then Mathematics is the subject for you.
If you have a natural ability and love of the subject then you may also consider Further Mathematics, especially if you wish to take a maths-based subject at university. Many universities require or encourage students to take further maths for entry to some of their courses including Science, Technology, Engineering and Finance.
Why Mathematics?
Mathematics is essential for a wide range of students, from those wishing to read Mathematics at university to those who need it to complement their chosen course. Courses such as engineering, computing, various areas of science, medicine, economics, business and psychology are but a few courses which require the understanding of mathematics beyond GCSE. You will learn skills specific to the subject as well as transferable ones such as problem-solving, communication and organisation.
Any special requirements?
In order to be successful at A-level Mathematics, you really need a grade 7 at GCSE. You must have completed the full GCSE higher course and be prepared to complete the bridging unit during the summer holidays.
What will I study and how will it be assessed?
During A-level Mathematics you will study Pure 1 in Year 12 and Pure 2 in Year 13. This covers two thirds of the course. We follow the Edexcel exam board syllabus.
Pure 1 consists of algebra, graphs, geometry, proof, the binomial expansion, trigonometry, vectors, calculus, logs and exponentials.
Pure 2 develops these concepts and also introduces sequences, parametric equations and numerical methods.
The last third of the course is the statistics and mechanics modules. At A-level all content is compulsory.
During the two years students will sit internal exams with all the external exams being sat in the summer of Year 13.

Purpose and Provision
Download a copy of the Mathematics Departments Purpose and Provision document here.
Curriculum Map
Download a copy of the Mathematics Departments Curriculum Map document here.