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Sixth Form Monitoring & Procedures


Target/ALPs Grades

During your first month at St Christopher’s you will be given an overall target grade. These are based on performance data and predict your performance in line with the top 25% of similar students nationally. In some cases the ALPs target grade may be very challenging, in others you may feel capable of achieving much more. The important thing to remember is that you will be supported and encouraged to achieve the very best you are capable of here at St Christopher’s.

1:1 Reviews

You will have the opportunity to review your academic performance and discuss future targets with your tutor during 1:1 interviews in November and after the PPE results.


Most AS and A2 courses have external examinations and many have elements of coursework. You must be prepared for regular assessment and revision. In December you will complete Pre-Public Examinations in every subject to assess your progress.

A2 Courses

Most students will drop one subject at the end of the Lower Sixth in order to concentrate on three full A-levels. Some students may continue with four after consultation with the Head of Sixth Form. Progression into the Upper Sixth is not automatic. In order to proceed on to A2 courses in the Upper Sixth, you must achieve at least 3 D grades at AS.

Reports and Parents’ Evenings

During your time out at St Christopher’s you will receive five Interim Reports during the year. These grade based reports provide you and your parents with information about your level of achievement, rate of progress, attitude to learning and rates of punctuality and attendance. They may also include written targets. These reports will be issued each half-term.

Your parents will be invited to an initial Parents’ Information Evening with your personal tutor in September of the Lower Sixth. This will be followed by meetings with your subject teachers during the summer term of the Lower Sixth and autumn term of the Upper Sixth. You are asked to attend and participate in these events. Parents are also encouraged to contact the Sixth Form whenever they feel that it is appropriate.



Details of our uniform can be found in our separate Uniform Guide. In consultation with students our aim has been to produce a uniform which reflects the standards of the school, is practical and economical, allowing some degree of personal expression. Please note that jackets must be worn as you enter and leave the Sixth Form centre at the beginning and end of the day, as you move between the Sixth Form and the main school, and for all assemblies and other formal occasions.

Driving Lessons

Driving lessons are not be arranged during the school day. If you are notified of a driving test during term time you should treat this as a foreseen absence, providing your personal tutor with written confirmation.

Inappropriate Behaviour

We begin from the premise that you want to work with us and that you have a genuine interest in the A-level subjects you have selected. We are aware however, that things can go wrong. In addition to the support offered by the pastoral team there is also a stepped and formal procedure for poor behaviour or deliberate under performance where the ultimate sanction will be on instruction to leave the Sixth Form. This is a sanction which we hope not to use.


Students will be set an attendance target of 100%. St Christopher’s prides itself in having the highest rate of attendance of any school in Lancashire and this is a record we expect to see repeated in the Sixth Form.

If you know that you are going to be absent you should bring in a letter from your parents explaining the foreseen absence and complete a Green Form (available at Sixth Form Reception). It is your responsibility to talk to your teachers about what work will be missed and how best to catch up. Acceptable foreseen absences include:

  • Hospital and dental appointments that cannot be scheduled for out-of-school hours. Evidence of appointment required.
  • Significant family events such as marriage, bereavement, or graduation ceremonies.
  • Absence related to religious observance.
  • Participation in sporting, drama, or music events (usually at a high level). 
  • University open days (students are allowed to attend four visits in addition to those organised by school).

Permission will not be granted for any holiday taken during term time. Any holiday taken at this time will be classified as an unauthorised absence.

Unforeseen absences due to, for example, ill health or family bereavement, should be reported to school by your parents before 9.30am on the first day of the absence. We will contact your parents directly if we have not heard from them by this time. If you are absent for more than five days you must provide a doctor’s note. On your return to the Sixth Form it is your responsibility to complete the work which you have missed.

If you are ill during the school day you must inform your Head of Year or Miss Davies before you call home or leave. This is so we are able to ensure you do not need medical attention and can get home safely.

Please contact Mrs Braithwaite (Sixth Form Attendance and Transport Officer) at j.braithwaite@st-christophers.org or telephone 01254 380527 to report an absence.