A-level Physical Education draws on the disciplines of Human Biology and Psychology.
The course also requires an understanding of the cultural context and historical development of sport.
The course involves both practical and theoretical work and these are linked. However, it is important that you are participating at a high competitive standard outside of school in one sport. The academic elements of the subject are the focus during curriculum time.
Why Physical Education?
This specification builds on the student's experience from Key Stage 4 and GCSE to enhance knowledge and increase understanding of the factors that affect performance and participation in physical education. The qualification looks to equip students with skills and knowledge required for higher education or the world of work.
Any special requirements?
At least a grade 5 in each of GCSE Science, and Additional or Applied Science, or a minimum of two grades 5 from GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Physical Education. Although useful, a GCSE in PE is not a requirement for students wishing to follow the course.
In addition, you will be required to be at a highly competent level as a performer in at least one sport.
What will I study and how will it be assessed?
In the Lower Sixth we study three separate topic areas. They are:
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Skill Acquisition
- Sport and Society
That makes up Paper 1, which is 35% of the final grade.
In the Upper Sixth these are developed into the following topic areas:
- Exercise physiology/Biomechanical movement
- Sports psychology
- Sport and society and technology in sport
Your knowledge and understanding for those topic areas are assessed in Paper 2. This is also worth 35% of your final grade. The practical and coursework element of the course is the remaining 30%
Purpose and Provision
Download a copy of the Physical Education Departments Purpose and Provision document here.
Curriculum Map
Download a copy of the Physical Education Departments Curriculum Map document here.