An interesting and varied subject with emphasis on abstract thinking.
In today's computer age, it is essential that there are highly skilled people that have great computing knowledge, which is where the A-level Computing qualification comes into relevance. The A-level in Computing is varied, interesting and challenging and will appeal to students with most learning styles. You will need to have a logical mind and be good at maths because computing involves programming which is a logical and a mathematical discipline. The course has an emphasis on abstract thinking, problem-solving, programming, algorithmic and mathematical reasoning and provides wide-ranging options for progression to University.
Why Choose Computing?
- A qualification in A-level Computing is highly regarded when you venture into employment as there are so many careers where A-level Computing is essential.
- This course will prepare you for many of the courses at university, including computing, software engineering and business or computer graphics, amongst others.
- You will develop the capacity to think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically.
- You will acquire the ability to apply skills, knowledge and understanding of computing, in a range of contexts to solve problems.
Any special requirements?
The previous study of IT or Computing is not a pre-requisite for this A-level. Students should have an interest in computers and be prepared to work independently in order to complete the practical project in Year Two. Students must have achieved a minimum of a Grade 5 in Mathematics.
What will I study?
You will study the underlying principles of solving problems using computers by covering a wide range of computer related themes. The course is highly practical and you will learn how to program using the following languages: VB.NET, Java, Java Script, LMC, whilst also learning how to incorporate HTML, CSS and SQL.
Component 01 - This component will introduce Students to the internal workings of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the exchange of data and will also look at software development, data types and legal and ethical issues. (A-level: Examination, 40%).
Component 02 - This component will progress students' understanding of what is meant by computational thinking, the benefits of applying computational thinking to solving a wide variety of problems and the principles of solving problems by computational methods. Students should be able to use algorithms to describe problems and be able to analyse a problem by identifying its component parts. (A-level: Examination, 40%).
Component 03 - Students will be expected to analyse, design, develop, test, evaluate and document a program written in a suitable programming language of their choice. (A-level: Programming project, 20%).
Extra support
There are opportunities for students to push themselves further and learn other programming languages such as PHP, JAVA, C# and C++. These are independent learning courses that can be undertook in enrichment time.
How will I be assessed?
There will be two written examinations at the end of Year 2 and together with the project that is completed throughout year 2 this will combine to give you the full A-level.
Purpose and Provision
Download a copy of the Computing Departments Purpose and Provision document here.
Curriculum Map
Download a copy of the Computing Departments Curriculum Map document here.