Worship at St Christopher’s is our life-blood, our very DNA. Each school day begins with an act of worship within the Anglican tradition. This takes place during an assembly in the School Hall, usually attended by each year group twice a week, a Year Assembly in the Studio or Lecture Theatre once a week and Form Assembly. A Chaplaincy Team supports our worship and pastoral work, each year group having its own chaplain for through the seven years at St Christopher’s. Each year group has two Communion Services and every form has a Form Communion during the year. The School fosters links with local parishes and Christian organisations who help with assemblies.
We take every opportunity to present the Gospel to our pupils with clarity, relevance and credibility. Spirituality Days, for which we have recently won an award, Christian Band weeks, theatre companies, all play their part. We try to establish caring attitudes and lasting values through worship and work done in the classroom, as well as, on a more practical level, supporting charitable appeals.
Parents have a statutory right to withdraw their child from RE and collective worship in all schools. In the context of our Church School, there is an emphasis on Christian education throughout the school and we expect all pupils to participate fully in our Christian community.
The RE Department I see....
The Department I see is God and Learning-centred, Purpose-driven and pupil-empowering!
The Department I see is all-inclusive, A place where every child matters on the basis of who they are, not what they do, or don't do.
Differences on a Social, Cultural, Religious, Ethnic, Disability or Gender basis are irrelevant.
Our core value, our very DNA is that everybody counts, matters and belongs. Full stop.
St Christopher's RE Department is a place where all pupils will be given multiple opportunities to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ for themselves. They will also be given opportunity to engage with, be enriched by, and learn from the other five main religions in the world: Buddhism, Hindu Dharma, Islam, Judaism and Sikh Dharam as well as the claims of those with no religion.
At St Christopher's RE Department, belief is everything. The belief that things can be changed and improved, that the ordinary can be taken and made into the extraordinary. Any boundary can be moved, any opinion can be changed, any problem can be solved. The belief that we all should have goals, aims and outrageous ambitions. More than anything, it's the belief that we all have the strength within us to make our dreams come true.
The greatest gift you can bring with you to your lessons is a spirit of agreement with this vision.
Mr CJ Pountain
Head of RE/Director of Spirituality
Spirituality News
This term, our worship has looked a bit different, but it remains absolutely central to all that we do, our very heartbeat and DNA. Unable to meet together for our usual Main assemblies, and programme of form and year group Communions due to the current restrictions, we have instead switched our focus to the form rooms. Our form teachers, assisted by form worship co-ordinators, show thought-provoking high quality ‘Christian values-themed’ C. of E. ‘Faith at home’ videos, alongside some excellent worship resources, including prayers and Bible readings, some of which our school have contributed to. Our chaplains have created a series of form time worship videos too to support the themes. We might not be able to worship is our usual way, but we remain committed to building God’s Kingdom at St Christopher’s in all that we do.
Form Time Worship Resources
Below you will find links to our most recent Form Time Worship videos. Each week we will have a different themed video, kindly done by our local Chaplains and support organisations. We hope you find them of use in your own worship.
To view previous Form Time Worship videos please follow this link to our Youtube playlist.