At St Christopher's we aim to provide an impartial and individual programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance to help pupils build on their strengths, identify areas for development, overcome barriers and develop aspirations.
An introduction to the concept of career pathways is begun in Year 7 and through Year 8, during PSHE lessons. In Year 9 preparatory work is begun with a view to helping parents and pupils with the critical choice of options for GCSE courses. An options evening is held for parents and pupils to discuss the available subjects and their suitability for each pupil. The options booklet provides details of all subjects and their relevance to particular careers.
At Key Stage 4 pupils complete a Record of Achievement to support their development as independent learners, able to take effective control of their own careers and lifestyle choices. Each pupil's folder is a mixture of personal information, evidence of progress and achievements and documents to support future planning.
In Year 10, pupils are given the opportunity to undertake a two-week work experience placement with a commercial, industrial or professional establishment. In addition to the possibility of clarifying career aspirations, this experience generates an awareness of environments outside the familiarity of school, builds confidence and strengthens communication skills. A second week long placement is offered to Sixth Form students. Year 11 pupils are invited to attend a Mock Interview as part of our 'Make it Work Day', intended to provide some valuable insight which will assist them as they attend interviews for work, training programmes or further education.
A careers section is available in the Main School and Sixth Form libraries, along with access to computer programmes for all pupils to gain up-to-date information on careers and local labour market information. Year 9, 10 and 11 pupils and Sixth Form students are invited to meet and discuss post-16 and 18 opportunities with colleges, universities and local employers. All pupils in Year 11 attend the annual, Amazing Accrington ‘Futures Event’.
Guidance Interviews
External careers advice is provided the Education Business Partnership North-West, delivered by a Level 6 qualified practitioner. Appointments can be booked by speaking to Miss Sutton, Form Tutors or Heads of Year or by using the link on Synergy.
Work Experience
Meeting The Gatsby Benchmarks
St Christopher‘s measures its careers provision against The Gatsby Benchmarks. The eight benchmarks are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from careers and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Compass+ Evaluations
Careers provision is audited using The Careers & Enterprise Company’s Compass+ tool. This is done once a term and our most recent evaluations can be found below:
Provider Access Policy
Partnerships with local employers are developed and maintained through the school’s work experience programme and supported by our Enterprise Advisor. A focused Future’s Evening and Higher Education Conference are held annually, ensuring an opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access pupils in Year 9 to Year 13 for the purpose of informing them about approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships.
In line with The Technical and Further Education Act 2017 which inserts section 42B into the Education Act 1997 and came into force on 2 January 2018, providers wishing to access pupils, other than at events which are already embedded in the careers programme should request this from the Careers Leader or Headteacher. Decisions to grant or refuse access are taken based on such aspects as timing, relevance to key decision-making points and whether information has already been given by another provider. Taking pupils from timetabled lessons should be kept to minimum, particularly at KS4/5. Additional access may be granted in the form of assemblies, lunch-time drop-ins or lessons where a visiting speaker complements the pupils’ curriculum.
Please click the link to view the Provider Access Policy.
Miss D Sutton - Head of PSHE and Careers Education (to email click this link or call 01254 232992).