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News - Sixth Form

Weekly Worship: Blog 06

Jesus – The sorrowful Saviour
W/c Monday 2nd December 2024
Matthew 26:36-56

Sometimes this world can feel like a dark place; and our minds kind of get lost in the gloom.

But struggling with our mental wellbeing doesn’t mean that we’re too unworthy or too sinful for God. We’re simply burdened by a world that is marred by sin and death. Our Saviour Jesus also knew deep sorrow as he considered the weight-and cost- of sin.

The hour of his betrayal approached – which would kickstart the events leading to Jesus’ brutal execution on the Cross. Knowing He was going to bear our sin there and face The Father’s judgement in our place, He said: “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.”

Those words might echo our own feelings of darkness and depression. But rather than suffering alone, we can follow the positive actions that Jesus modelled.

He asked his disciples to “stay here and keep watch”. We too need Christian friends to bolster our faith in hard times. Then Jesus prayerfully placed His life in His Father’s hands: Not as I will, but as you will”. When the gloom of life clouds our vision, we can trust in the One who always sees the way ahead.

Dark days don’t mean we’ve failed. As Jesus modelled, our Father in heaven will be our help and comfort for those seasons.