Calling all our budding writers in school! Have you entered 'The Glitch'?
A Young Writers UK creative writing competition with some fantastic prizes available.
What happens when an ordinary day turns extraordinary?
What are the effects on the world if one thing is changed forever?
These are the questions they're asking 11-18 year-olds to consider for this mini saga competition. There is a 100-word limit so it is not a huge commitment. Find out more here.
There are some great resources to help you, available from Miss Holman in the main School Library. You can enter online by visiting the link above or pass hard copies to Miss Holman by lunchtime, Thursday 14th December for posting. The official deadline is Friday 22nd December. However, any hard copies received after lunchtime on Thursday 14th December will not be entered.
Any questions please ask Miss Holman or email the library via this link.