Welcome to the Year 11 Revision and Exam support page of our website. On this page you will find a range of useful resources to help your child as they approach their year 11 exams. Please start by viewing the introductory powerpoint linked in the image below. This page will be updated as necessary throughout the year and will include exam timetables as the exams approach. As ever, if you have any queries, please get in touch.

Please download a copy of the Year 11 Weekly Revision Timetable here.
Year 11 Revision and Support Timetable (New details coming soon):
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Morning (8am) | | | | | |
Lunchtime | | | | | |
After School |
| | | | |
You can download a PDF copy of the timetable when it's available here.
Science Revision Support
Follow this link to download a copy of the Year 11 Science Revision Support.
MathsWatch Competition
The MathsWatch competition is now live view the PDF for more information and this is a link to the login page.
Revision Checklist
You can download a copy of the Year 11 Revision and Topics Guide 2023-24 (coming soon). This has a comprehensive list of the topics covered for each subject area.
Revision Checklist supporting documents: