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Religious Education

Purpose and Provision

Download a copy of the Religious Education Departments Purpose and Provision document here.

Curriculum Map

Download a copy of the Religious Education Departments Curriculum Map document here.

God and Learning-centred, Purpose-driven, Pupil-empowering.

RE retains a central place on the Curriculum at St. Christopher's. At our Church School, it is often seen as a part of core curriculum provision, alongside English, Maths and Science. As the curriculum arm of the Worshipping life of the school, it carries the spiritual DNA of St. Christopher's. RE is always taught within the context of our strong Christian ethos.

An 'Outstanding' RE Department and 'Gold' Quality Mark Standard:

In December 2016, we were given high praise by the Church of England's Inspector:

“The effectiveness of the religious education is outstanding"

Standards are high and learners’ progress is very good as evidenced by the examination success at both GCSE and A-level. RE successfully fosters and nourishes learners in their spiritual journey. It does this, for example, by helping them to engage well with faith and consider how to become active citizens understanding and serving others. ‘RE is important because it helps you think about life and living and helps you connect spiritually with God,’ as a Year 11 pupil commented.”

This independent assessment of the quality of our work was confirmed for a third period of three years in December 2018, when we were awarded the coveted RE Quality Mark Gold Standard again! This achievement acknowledges the Department's contribution as a 'lead' department in the school and also the influence we have been able to have on other schools through our networks and publications nationally. 

Key Stage 3

We are proud to be one of the Diocese of Blackburn's ten Church of England Secondary Schools. RE provision at KS3 reflects this as we deliver to the KS3 diocesan framework for RE: We are also delighted to have launched the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award for our Year 8 pupils in recent years and have enjoyed some high-profile guests such as Andy Hawthorne and the Archbishop himself coming to our site to present the awards. This content sits very comfortably alongside the diocesan framework's 'illuminating pathways' mechanism for framework delivery. We have carefully selected the units that we deem most helpful to our pupils and which reinforce the GCSE units on the new specification (see Key Stage 4 below).

Key Stage 4

All pupils, with very few exceptions, leave St. Christopher's with a formal GCSE qualification in RE. All pupils focus on an in-depth study of the Christian faith, alongside either Islam or Judaism, in line with staff specialisms. We believe that as a Church school, the Jewish faith gives our pupils an appropriate grounding in the Christian faith, but located as we are in East Lancashire, we believe that it is crucial to equip many of our pupils to engage with Islam too.

In addition, pupils engage with themes including 'Religion, Relationships and Families', 'Religion, Peace and Conflict' and 'Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice'.

View the AQA Religious Studies (B) specification.

Key Stage 5

A-level RE is a popular choice for our students. During Year 12, students follow a course on 'Religion and Ethics', one on 'Philosophy of Religion' and one on Christianity. Each carries a third of the marks and is built upon in Year 13.


RE is everywhere at St. Christopher's. From our assembly programme, through to our strong package of themed Spirituality Days for each Year Group, to our Christian symbolism in all classrooms and communal areas, RE is absolutely not confined to the RE classroom. Throughout pupils' time with us, they will receive multiple opportunities to go on extra-curricular trips and visits, sometimes organised in partnership with the Diocese. Christian Unions, in our Sixth Form and Main School, are regular and routine ways in which pupils can get involved in 'extra-curricular RE.' In addition to basic equipment, all pupils are required to bring with them to their RE lessons is an open mind, a willing spirit and a teachable heart!

Application to Life

Finally, RE is relevant to any job that involves working with people. Apart from a lighthouse keeper, try thinking of a job that does not involve working with people! In the form of 'Theology,' 'Divinity' and 'Philosophy' courses, RE is one of the very oldest academic subjects around, and as such, is a very credible A-level subject, recognized by all universities.


  • Mr C Pountain - Head of Department and Associate Assistant Head
  • Mrs A Powell - Deputy Head of Department
  • Mr P Cuff
  • Miss V Buckley
  • Mrs L Stott - Head of Year and Associate Assistant Head
  • Mr D Allen