The QUEST Award has been introduced to St Christopher’s as a way to formally recognise the extra activities our pupils do, beyond the curriculum.
We are aiming to equip our students with the skills needed for their future.
- Demonstrate independence
- Build content knowledge
- Respond to varying demands of audience.
- Comprehend as well as critique, you don’t have to agree with everything
- Value evidence
- Use technology and digital media strategically and capably
- Come to understand other perspectives and cultures
These skills are vital for education as well as employers.
We feel the five strands of the QUEST Award: Question, Unite, Explore, Sport and The Arts will help children to enhance their experience in education. To receive the QUEST Award the children must take part in an activity linked to each of the five aspects.
What we are expecting
Students can choose one project title to accomplish these five aspects or can do mini tasks for each one. Below is an example of requirements for each Award:
Award | Year Group | Minimum Hours | Suggested requirements | Validation |
Single Activity Attendance | Single project size written | Full project written |
Bronze | 7, 8, 9 | 30 | Six weeks (1 hour per week) | 1 side A4 (including pictures) | 5 sides A4 (including pictures) | Tutor |
Silver | 8, 9, 10 | 60 | Full term (1 hour per week) | Double sided A4 | 10 sides A4 (including pictures) | Tutor |
Gold | 9, 10, 11 | 120 | Full year in support role (1 hour per week) with written report. | 20 sides A4 (including pictures) | Mrs Litherland |
Platinum | 10, 11, 12, 13 | TBC | Full year, in support role, with work experience | By arrangement | Specific teacher 'expert' |
Please work to your child’s strengths. Other siblings can also take part, in their own project, in fact it would be really helpful for us, if they did.
Mini Projects
Should be equivalent to an A4 page of feedback or review, as the emphasis is on the activity they take part in. Maybe a photograph of pupil undertaking the activity/product they made. Download the A5 Mini-Project Form to keep a record of what's been completed.
Large Projects
These should be equivalent to five or more sides of A4 writing. The emphasis is on the individual presenting work in their own style. It could be a traditional booklet or PowerPoint. Other options include, newspaper, model, animation, YouTube style video, diary, piece of art work to name but a few. Download a copy of the Large Project Form which needs to be completed and handed in before starting any work.
Find out more
Please download a copy of our QUEST Award Guide to find out more, get some tips and tricks and see some examples of past work.
You can also follow our Twitter account for more examples: @QuestAward

This is non-compulsory work and aimed at all Years (from 7-13).
All completed work should be handed in to your FORM TUTORS in the form of files, movies or photographs. Once completed you will receive a certificate and an exclusive badge!

Useful Links
Below are some useful links to things that employers, colleges and universities look for who submitting an application to them. They may help in what you decide to do to complete your Bronze, Silver or Gold QUEST Award:
What Skills Do Employers Look For? - UCAS
Soft Skills You Can Use for Future Employability - University of Bolton
Why Are Soft Skills So Important In The Graduate Job Market - Top Universities
What Are The Six Essential Skills For University Students? - Uni Admissions
Top 12 Extracurricular Activities That Stand Out On College Essays And Applications - University Gurus