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News - Sixth Form

Weekly Worship: Blog 03

Peter – The man with a guilty conscience
W/c Monday 11th November 2024
Luke 5:1-11; Matthew 26:69-75; John 21

What do you do when you just feel awful?

Peter did something we can probably all relate to. After he let Jesus down (big time), he wallowed in self-pity and misery.

If Peter’s story had ended there, it would have been just another example of a man so caught up in his guilt and shame that he couldn’t see a way out. But that’s not the end…

Feeling like a total failure, Peter went back to the only place life made sense – his old fishing boat. Peter was sorry he’d let Jesus down, but he hadn’t yet turned back to God; he’d hidden in the familiar comfort of his old way of life.

Suddenly, Jesus showed up on the shore, calling out to Peter and the other disciples.

Peter had seen Jesus’ love in action; he’d touched lepers and tended to the unloved. But when Jesus showed up just for Peter, perhaps he experienced the enormity of that love like never before. Peter couldn’t get to Jesus quickly enough! “He jumped into the water” and swam to shore!

What brought Peter out of his guilt-ridden wallowing? Realising the unfailing, faithful, infinite love of Jesus wasn’t just for others, but for him too.

When you feel lost and ashamed, Peter shows nothing you do changes or limits God’s love for you. Jesus stands by the shore calling you to forgiveness and a renewed relationship.