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Youth Church 2nd Anniversary Celebration

On Tuesday 7th November, our youth church celebrated our 2nd anniversary with a special Eucharist service at which we hosted Bishop Jill Duff, the Bishop of Lancaster, as our guest preacher. Immediately following the service, we travelled to Burnley’s Community Grocery to get our sleeves rolled up and get stuck into some Christian difference-making social action.

To link in with this, Mr. Gardner, our excellent catering manager, came to our service to explain the costings of the simple meal he and his kitchen staff had prepared for us to enjoy at the end of the service before we set off for Burnley. In the spirit of helping the disadvantaged, we caught a glimpse of how it is possible to eat well on a budget and not waste money. We also thoroughly enjoyed our birthday cake, made for us by the legendary Sheila in our kitchen, and we made sure we sang ‘Happy birthday’ to our youth church before we shared out the cake.

We were left with much to reflect on as we move into a third year as a youth church. Bishop Jill encouraged us to listen to and act on the dreams and visions God places in our hearts and to believe for eternity shaping change within a generation. It is fair to say that we are extremely excited about this journey that God has got us on and we are eager to see where the next leg will take us.

St Christopher’s youth church meets every 1st, 3rd (and 5th) Wednesday of the month in our main assembly worship hall, with our small groups taking place on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Our next service will be on Wednesday 15th November when Rachel Gardner from St Luke’s Church, Blackburn and national Christian youth charity ‘Youthscape’ will be our guest speaker. All are welcome.