'The Young People's Book Prize aims to promote literacy in young people and to inspire them to read about science. It also supports the writing of excellent, accessible STEM books for under-14s. The Prize is unique in that the winner is selected by judging panels made up of young people at schools across the country from a shortlist curated by an adult judging panel.'
- From the Royal Society website.
We had a judging panel made up of five Year 8 pupils, Rosie, Emily, Emma, Evelyn and Jake who read each book and submitted a review. As a panel they met before Christmas 2022 and decided that 'If the World were 100 People' by Jackie McCann and Aaron Cushley was their favourite book.
The winner was announced on Tuesday 7 March 2023, and it was… 'If the World were 100 People' by Jackie McCann and Aaron Cushley!
As a thank you for taking part each member of the judging panel has been given a book, bookmark and a certificate.